Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 50:

Hoi jongens en meisjes!
​ (Hi guys and girls!)​

I hope your week has been great! Our
has been! We have
​been ​
working hard, and even though almost all of our appointments didn't go through last week :(, we have been having fun and seeing some progress with some of our investigators. We challenged both Sander (the deaf guy) and Ruben to baptism, and Ruben will be setting a date with us this next week. Sander has already been baptized twice, so we had to explain authority, which is already hard enough to do with someone who can hear you. We had to be super blunt when writing it down, but he didn't get offended, and I think he understands it. He said he will think about it, so hopefully he will be prepared to accept a date this week.

But otherwise we just did a lot of knocking this week! The people here are really nice, and we had a lot of great discussions, but we still haven't found the next golden investigator yet. But he
​ ​
(or she) has got be be here somewhere. We'll just keep on looking.
Thank you for all of your support! I love you all!

Elder Thornton

1. Ice cream last p-day! 

2. Stroopwafel break 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Week 49: Just Having Fun!

Dear Family and Friends!

Groningen! Enough said! I love it here! The family who the Sisters were teaching got baptized this week, and it was super beautiful. The ward had just gotten back from a long and tiring Temple trip, but they all showed up anyway. The family, Jolanda, Celine, and Fabio were glowing, and after they got confirmed all they talked about was how amazing it felt when they received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
We found a new investigator this week. His name is Sander, and he is deaf! We communicate by writing things down, and with the small amount of sign language that he knows. Apparently he has met with the Elders before, and has even been to church before. And he came this week! Koen, a member in the ward, helped us by typing everything that was said during sacrament meeting so that he could follow along. Sander loved church, and we are planning to set him on baptismal date this next week. 
As for the rest of our investigators, we are still trying to get them solidly investigating.

We took a quick trip to Brazil this week! (not really, this is just right behind our house, but it looks super cool!)

One of the squares in the Centrum of Groningen

Canals are super cool! And they are all over the city!
We went to a member's "man-cave" last P day. He had a race track, virtual golf, and pretty much all table games ever invented.

Burgers for Father's Day! The Richardsons are the best!

It has been an incredible week! I hope you guys have a great week too! It is always amazing to see how the Gospel
 people's lives, so don't forget what you already have!


Elder Thornton

Monday, June 12, 2017

Week 48! Crazyness!

Gooien Morgen!

I hope it is going well with everyone! This week has been great, and we have seen a bunch of miracles and met a ton of super nice people. We set up a lot of appointments for this week, so I am pretty excited. 

This week was really full. Elder Etchells had to go to Brussels for his Visa, so I went to Dordrecht since Elder Jensen's companion had to go too. We did some service at a food bank, and studies, and we found 3 potentials in the 45 minutes we had to go contact people, so that was pretty cool!

I got the opportunity yesterday to interview 2 candidates for baptism. One of them was Fabio. Fabio is 11, but I can't believe that! He is so smart, and he understands the gospel better than most members! If I gambled, I would put money on him to be one of the next apostles. The other one was Celina. She is 22, and also is so ready. They will both be baptized next Sunday with their mother Jolanda. They are going to be really really good members. I feel super lucky to be a part of their baptism.

We had a funny but pretty cool experience yesterday! We were knocking some doors when a
​guy ​
hopped off of his bike and approached us. I did not understand a thing he said, and then I realized he was deaf. He managed to communicate that he had already received some pamphlets and he wrote on a paper his contact information and we set up an appointment. So that should be really cool! Elder Etchells knows a little bit of Sign language, and I can do the alphabet, so hopefully we can make it work. 

I forgot my converter, so no photos this week :/. I love you guys! Have a great week!


Elder Thornton

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Week 47: Adventures in the Jungle


This week has been yet another great one! Tim and Robert, investigators of the 2 Sister companionships in Groningen got baptized this Saturday! The service went really well, and they were both super happy with it! Robert was just glowing on Sunday, and Tim is a little awkward, but as far as I could tell he was pretty excited too. 
We spent a bunch more time finding this week, and we found some pretty solid potentials. On one door a young college girl opened, and then her other 2 room mates came to talk to us too, and now we need to bring all of them a Book of Mormon! They live pretty close to the church, so that will be convienient. But we will probably give them to the Sisters if they do become investigators, since they are all about 19... 
Our backyard was super overgrown, and we finally had the opportunity to "de-forest" it. It looks great now. It is not completely done, but now that we have the big stuff done it will be easier to maintain it. 
I really needed a haircut, and normally I have my companion cut it, but I do not trust Elder Etchells with the clippers. Not that I don't love him to death, but hair is somthing that takes a little bit to fix if you really mess up. So I cut it myself! and I would say that it went pretty well. Almost... Right as I was making the finishing touches, I got a little overconfident and tried cutting a piece without the cover... So it looks pretty great from the front, but there is a small patch in the back that will need some time to grow back.

I love you guys! Enjoy the summer!


Elder Thornton